Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, 5 September 2008

Fucking annoying.

This is a fucking annoying convo between a lecturer and her student. The student is the annoying one. Really, really annoying.

Note: Convo was in Mandarin.

Student : Ms xxx, you free not later?
Lecturer : Free, why?
Student : Okay, let's go watch movie. I buy tickets for you now. I pay!
Lecturer : Don't want laa. 
Student : Why?
Lecturer : Copy notes laa you.

After less than 5 minutes

Student : Ms xxx, kia laa let's go and watch movie later.
Lecturer : I'm not free laa. Don't want laa.
Student : Why? 
Lecturer : Not free laa.
Student : Okay laa, then you Frinday free not? Kia, we go on Friday kay?
Lecturer : Don't want laa, not free. Copy notes laa you. 

After a minute

Student : Ms xxx arrr, kia laa let's go watch movie. I pay tickets! I go and buy now.
Lecturer : Do your work laa. I not free. 
Student : Some other days lorr. You tell me when.
Lecturer : Don't luan laa, do your work.
Student : Okay.

After a minute or so again

Student : Kia, we go later.
Lecturer : Don't want laa.
Student : Whyyyy??
Lecturer : Do your work laa.

..... Okay, I had enough. So, the student continued asking the lecturer several times during our 2 hours class.

Should I laugh or should I scream at this? 

Actually, I nearly shouted at him 'Are you that desperate?' =.= What the fuck man. I was so pissed at that ass. We were trying to do the work our lecturer gave us but that annoying GUY kept going on and on and on and on trying to persuade the lecturer to go for a movie with him. Yes, it was a guy. And it was so obvious he was hitting on her. 

Ohhh, did I mention? There was once he made sandwiches for her for breakfast. Awwww, how sweet right? NO! It's utterly disgusting to me. 

Hmm, a lecturer and a student.... Don't you think it's wrong?

Wait, a lecturer and a student cannot go out on a date/ date one another at all! It's against the rules! If they were caught dating, both lecturer and student will be kicked out of the college.

Oh right, I think he doesn't know that. Or else he wouldn't be hitting on her O.o 

Such a desperado. 

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