Shows like Gossip Girls, Desperate Housewives, One Tree Hill, etc are all categorized as "sinful", "bad", "inappropriate" by a majority; whether Christians or not. I mean, yeah the shows are of course. Full of sex, lust, betrayal and revenge. But if you're open minded, you won't be influenced by the bad contents of the shows but take the show as an entertainment; like a hobby. You know, like watching tv? Watching teevee isn't a sin, is it? It's not like those shows are entirely bad. They teach love, care, helping one another and forgiveness too, no?
Let's say you call this a sin; to watch these shows.
IT DOES NOT MEAN I ENJOY THEM MORE THAN GOD. Who are you to judge me based on what I watch? I know I am not a perfect Christian like all of you, but at least I don't act all holy and judge people based on what they watch. God doesn't judge people, so why you?
Sorry but I just feel that I shouldn't be judged this way. The statement "You enjoy this better that God" is wayyyyyy across the borderline.
P/s: I'm not mentioning names for privacy purpose.
I have a feeling many of you will comment on this. Please do, I don't need people judging me based on what I watch or what I write.
Hi Jocelyn! Would just like to leave a comment. you are right when u say that this is ur opinion so i'll leave u with mine. we're all open to sharing here right? (:
OK, first thing. God DOES judge. He is THE Judge. James 4:12, "There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you-who are you to judge your neighbor?". And another will be Romans 2:1-16. Too long for me to fill in here. There are many others about God being the Judge.
Here's a link to an interesting article i found about watching tv programs. Thought i'd share it with u.
Just sharing some of my opinions and supplying some food for thought.
Have a nice day! :D
Haha yes, we're all open to share stuff as long as you don't insist that you are right. Lol :D
Yes, God does judge. But he doesn't judge you based on what you watch, does he? & God doesn't judge you solely on one thing.
Thanks for the article. I'll read it :)
You have a nice day too! :D
Me want to comment on here too!
HAHAHAHAHA! OK..So first of all..Yes,God or Christ is the Judge..The Only ONE who can judge us..but that doesn't really mean that He's judging you by WHAT movies you watched..I think that's too "mild"..JUDGING PEOPLE is one if the "unforeseen" sins as well..
Who are they to judge? Let the person who have not yet sin cast the first stone..familiar with that?God is the judge BUT He's a very forgiving one..He forgives sinners..that's why He came down to earth as a poor and outcast SAVE the world..aint we bless to have Him?=DDDD
So,in my opinion is that..yes..everyone has their own statement but JUDGING isn't one of them..sorry to say have no right to judge people because you're the same..watching GG or not watching GG..We're all sinners..there's no such things as "we're more closer to God and heaven just because we dont watch GG"..that's ridiculous..If God has Mary Magdelene who's a prostitude as one of His closest friend other than Mary,then who are you to say anything..Christ came to be with the outcast,the poor,the persecuted and not with the rich,the upper class only God can judge..=DDD
Luke 18:9 And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt
:Romans 2:16 on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.
Romans 14:3 The one who eats is not to regard with contempt the one who does not eat, and the one who does not eat is not to judge the one who eats, for God has accepted him.
Thanks cat! :) :)
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