Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday 22 March 2010

www.greatstufftv.com ♥

I've found a new found love- Great Stuff TV online. You can find shitloads of good TV series and movies here! :D :D But there is a catch. For MegaVideo, you can only watch it for 72 minutes maximum. Then, you'll have to rest for an hour before you get to continue watching. That's like one and a half episodes only. But on the bright side, you still get to watch the shows you want instead of waiting for the episodes to be released on tv.

As for me, of course I decided to watch Gossip Girls first. I've watched nearly all the episodes of Season 3 now. Happy sial, like duhh! Currently, I'm watching Lipstick Jungle. I find it not bad at all. Kinda addicted to it already. Teehee :D Maybe after I've finished watching this, ima switch to some movies :) Fame, perhaps. Crap, I have to stop, like seriously. I haven't been studying and I've been glued to the laptop ALL day watching shows on this website. I stay up till 2-3am just to finish watching the episodes. Bummer :(

So, want to catch up on all the shows you've missed? Go to GreatStuffTV and start watching!

(Crap, why am I like writing an advertorial?)


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